
I’ve been a bit of a bad blogger lately. Ok, pretty bad …. especially when it comes to some more personal posts. I have no problem getting the latest session or wedding up, but when I don’t have that on the schedule, well, I can be uninspired to come up with something to share … especially about myself. :(

So when I stumbled on a monthly article in Marie Claire that has celebs answer 20 questions, I thought it could be a fun additional to the blog.

1. What brings you the greatest joy? Exploring new places and photographing them.
2. What is the best advice you’ve been given? Be nice to everyone you meet. You never know when you might cross paths again… It is so true but even more true since I started my business.
3. What issues are you most passionate about? Human trafficking and sex slavery. It breaks my heart that this is so prevalent today.
4. What is not to be missed on tv? Any crime shows but especially How to Get Away with Murder and Criminal Minds.
5. What is on your bucket list? A safari through Africa.
6. Who do you follow on social media? Lots of people but my favs are on Instagram – @jasminestar, @promisetangeman, @sugarpaperla, @25Park, @kennethtan
7. What do you wish someone would invent? More hours in the day. 24 is just too short.
8. What book had a profound effect on you? I am Malala. If you haven’t read it, read it. It was so emotional and made me beyond grateful to have the possibilities that we have for women in America.
9. Do you have a secret talent? I am an expert organizer. Closets, drawers, cabinets. I spend my days off organizing everything.
10. What irrational fears do you have? Fear of heights (mostly of falling when I am every where high.)
11. Who is your girl crush? Sophia Bush
12. What are your vices? Blue Moon and anything chocolate.
13. Of the seven deadly sins, which are you guilty of? At some point, probably all of them but envy and lust. As a creative you see others success and you want the same for yourself.
14. What would be your last meal? Hm this is so tough. A surf and turf combo but only with a twice baked potato and plenty of bread.
15. Favorite store? A tie for Target and Nordstrom … followed by Trader Joes. If I only had these three stores, I would be ok. :)
16. Favorite hotel? 99 Gallery in Chiang Mai. I just loved how it was decorated and it has the most amazing view of the Wat Phra Singh Woramahaviharn.
17. How did you make your first dollar? Probably a lemonade stand if you are being technical. Otherwise selling nachos and sodas at the local summer pool.
18. What should every woman try at least once in her life? Something you are completely terrified of.
19. How would you like to be remembered? For being authentic, real and creative.
20. What do you wish you had more time for? Journaling. It is such a great release for me but I never do it anymore.

Have a question you would like to know? Leave it in the comments, and I’ll answer it on the next edition.

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Hi, I'm Brittany.
Your extra set of eyes with a camera.

Florida, Chicago + destination wedding and family photographer for those who believe in eternalizing this season of life with storytelling images.

After becoming a mom and losing my own mom, I realized that the most cherished photos are moments (not the perfectly posed portrait). I'm here to let moments unfold and to document the true connection between you, your partner and your family.


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These must-ask questions are essential to ask a wedding photographer before you hire the perfect person for your wedding day.

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Naples, Florida + Chicago portrait photographer specializing in weddings, engagements, elopements + family photography.