My List of Goals :: June


I can not believe how quickly the month of May came and went! It has been a whirlwind of a month, and I know that the months ahead will only get craziner with personal and professional commitments. But let’s be honest. I LOVE crazy, busy days. :)

As May winds down, I wanted to update you on my progress from my goals and let you know what is on the list for June.

Read one book for pleasure. I’ve been reading so much about photography and having a business that I have neglected reading just to read. I managed to exceed this goal with flying colors. I curled up on the couch and outside to read 3 fiction books this month including Fifty Shades of Grey. (I mean after all the buzz…how could I not?)

Books and Photography Books that Brittany Bekas Photography is reading

– Blog more about industry ideas, tips and personal posts. This will always be on ongoing goal for me, but I think that I blogged a decent amount this month, and that I was able to share some helpful info to all of you, right?! :)

Continue to be happy with less. Since coming home, I have been eliminating so many things that I do not really “need”. I want to keep letting go of things and only hold on to the things I really treasure. A few days after posting my goals, I was packing up my boxes to move into a new apartment. I eliminated (and left behind) a lot of things, however every day I am looking for something to let go of. For every new thing I get, something old must leave.

– Start doing the things that I have pinned via Pinterest. I’m a pinning machine, but I keep forgetting to actually make the crafts, cook the recipes, or use those helpful tips and tricks. I am still pinning more than I am doing, but I used a lot of my photography inspiration boards this month for shoots with my clients. I made a delicious orzo soup. And I started rounding up and executing some great ideas for my dear friend, Molly’s, bachelorette party.

– Stop comparing myself to others – especially other photographers. I think we can all agree why this is not good to do. Sigh…..this was a bit harder for me. After my sessions, I would come home and critique my work…comparing it to my inspiration shots. The positive of this is that I am forcing myself to grow and improve.

– Get back into working out (regularly). ehh…I am doing a lot more walking around the city. That counts, right? This will be a June goal…again.

Hot pink flamingos in aruba by brittany bekas photography

– Submit my work to photography competitions and blogs. I got so caught up in the day-to-day that I did not submit to any competitions or blogs. However, I do have a creative review with a photography studio. That is progress…I think.

– Be spontaneous. This is something I am constantly trying to work on because my Type A, planning personality likes everything figured out…however my boyfriend is the opposite. :)  I made baby steps on this when my high school best friend expectantly came into town…that counts, right?

– Continue to tell people about my business and look for new ways to grow my business and surprise my clients. I passed out business cards and created some new marketing plans. I even have an industry networking event scheduled for June.


Here are my goals for June. :)

– Network with other photographers and learn from their experiences/mistakes

– Photograph the bachelorette party I am hosting like a stylized shoot. Submit it for publication on wedding blogs.

– Get back into the gym. For real. It is beach season now….

Mexico beach in Playa Del Carmen by Brittany Bekas Photography

– Use my speedlight more including as a fill flash on outdoor shoots

– Increase my number of Facebook likes on Brittany Bekas Photography.

– Make 4 new recipes. At least two recipes need to include meat for the boyfriend.

Hope that June is an amazing month for you all.


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Hi, I'm Brittany.
Your extra set of eyes with a camera.

Florida, Chicago + destination wedding and family photographer for those who believe in eternalizing this season of life with storytelling images.

After becoming a mom and losing my own mom, I realized that the most cherished photos are moments (not the perfectly posed portrait). I'm here to let moments unfold and to document the true connection between you, your partner and your family.


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Naples, Florida + Chicago portrait photographer specializing in weddings, engagements, elopements + family photography.