My List of Goals :: May


I’ve been spending a ton of time learning, growing and challenging myself since returning from my South America/Central America trip. However, I am a firm believer in writing down my goals in order to make them a reality. I have always done this … and probably will always continue to do this …. so that I can evaluate myself and the things I have accomplished (and mostly because it is one more list that I can check off…love my lists!)

After stumbling upon Cassandra Eldridge’s blog, I decided to borrow the idea of having a goal list every month that I share with my readers – both professional and personal. I normally write things like this in my personal journal, but I wanted to hold myself accountable to all of you. And maybe it will inspire some of you to do the same. :)

Each month I’ll update the list to let you know how I did, and I’ll create a new/updated list for the next month. So here goes my list for May!

– Read one book for pleasure. I’ve been reading so much about photography and having a business that I have neglected reading just to read.

– Blog more about industry ideas, tips and personal posts.

– Continue to be happy with less. Since coming home, I have been eliminating so many things that I do not really “need”. I want to keep letting go of things and only hold on to the things I really treasure.

– Start doing the things that I have pinned via Pinterest. I’m a pinning machine, but I keep forgetting to actually make the crafts, cook the recipes, or use those helpful tips and tricks.

– Stop comparing myself to others – especially other photographers. I think we can all agree why this is not good to do.

– Get back into working out (regularly).

– Submit my work to photography competitions and blogs.

– Be spontaneous. This is something I am constantly trying to work on because my Type A, planning personality likes everything figured out…however my boyfriend is the opposite. :)

– Continue to tell people about my business and look for new ways to grow my business and surprise my clients.

If you have any goals for this month, feel free to share them below or send me a note at :)

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Hi, I'm Brittany.
Your extra set of eyes with a camera.

Florida, Chicago + destination wedding and family photographer for those who believe in eternalizing this season of life with storytelling images.

After becoming a mom and losing my own mom, I realized that the most cherished photos are moments (not the perfectly posed portrait). I'm here to let moments unfold and to document the true connection between you, your partner and your family.


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Naples, Florida + Chicago portrait photographer specializing in weddings, engagements, elopements + family photography.